What Sets Us Apart?

Scott brings over 30 years industry experience to the market

We also believe that it is crucial to appoint a valuer with the expertise and track record that Scott boasts.

Called upon to value many of Sydney’s most exclusive residences and apartments, Knoxbridge has a market knowledge that few can rival. Most importantly, Knoxbridge is a boutique firm meaning that Scott works in a hands on capacity on every project, ensuring an outstanding calibre of service. We recognise that we are valuing someone’s home and pride ourselves on offering the courtesy and time required to thoroughly inspect and understand the property.

Knoxbridge offers:


Unlike other valuation firms we specialise in the prestige residential market

Vast Experience

Senior Valuer with more than 30 years unrivalled experience, having headed up leading firms.

Exemplary Company History

No claims made against us and called upon to value many top Sydney properties.

Risk Management

We do not employ large numbers of valuers. We focus on quality over quantity

Timely Sales Information

In-depth market research including an extensive up-to-date sales database.

Detailed Reporting

Comprehensive, professionally written reports supported by accurate evidence.

In-depth Macro Level Knowledge

With an intimate understanding of the valuation industry, the broader Sydney and capital city property markets.

In-depth Micro Level Knowledge

Including specific suburbs and properties.

Market Intelligence

We have discreet relationships with leading agents, bankers, sellers and buyers.